Saturday, December 31, 2011

Layanan Sex di Udara

Judul di atas bukan sekedar kiasan, tapi bisa jadi kenyataan. Seperti kurang tempat untuk jasa sex komersil, sebuah perusahaan escort Belanda membuka layanan baru yaitu sex di udara.

Untuk mempopulerkan servis ini, sang perusahaan membuat sayembara di mana setiap orang bisa bercerita, berdasar pengalaman pribadi, tentang tempat-tempat paling seru untuk bercinta. Misalnya, di ruang ganti baju di sebuah toko, di gudang, di kantor dan lain-lain.

Sekalipun penyelenggaranya adalah sebuah perusahaan jasa sex komersil di Belanda, bukan berarti pesertanya harus dari negeri kincir angin, lapor Radio Belanda, RNW. Dus, siapa saja bisa ikut. Sang pemenang nantinya bisa menikmati hadiah menumpang pesawat jet khusus sambil ‘ditemani seseorang’.

Hadiah juga bisa disesuaikan dengan identitas sexual pemenang, selama tidak melanggar hukum. Dengan kata lain, Girls Company tak membatasi pada peserta heterosexual, tapi juga homosexual.

Belum tahu apakah sayembara tersebut bisa menjadi penglaris layanan terbaru perusaahan sex komersil di kota Amsterdam tersebut. Harga sex di udara dibandrol 6000 Euro sekali jalan. Pesawat akan terbang berputar-putar di atas wilayah udara Belanda. Oiya, 6000 Euro atau setara dengan Rp.72 juta . Itu baru paket standar. (geo)

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Friday, December 30, 2011

The ugly truth about Ron Paul

One of the good things about the craziness that has been, and remains, the race to be the Republican nominee for president is the fact that with each new surging anti-Romney, and with each new "frontrunner," the media have finally been required to do their jobs and look into what these leading Republicans, and indeed much of their party, are actually all about.

For example, while many of us knew full well (and had known for a long time) that Michele Bachmann was insane, her high-profile opposition to the HPV vaccine, wrapped up in her usual conspiracy-theorizing, pushed her insanity further into public view. Similarly, her (and her "cure 'em" husband's) anti-gay views revealed her to be an unabashed bigot. And because she was, for a time, the hottest Republican candidate going, the media could not help but do some probing.

The same has been true of the others, and we're seeing this now with Ron Paul, who has long been seen as a principled libertarian who speaks truth to power in the GOP (and who even has his admirers on the left) but who, while certainly a sort of libertarian, has throughout his long political career held and advanced despicable views and revealed himself to be an ugly racist. Put on the spot, Paul has responded with denials and general "no comment"s. But again, and to their credit, the media are doing what they ought to be doing and digging a little deeper than usual (in this case encouraged and cheered on by Republicans appalled with Paul and fearful of the damage he's doing to their party). And more and more ugliness is coming out:

Texas Rep. Ron Paul has distanced himself from a series of controversial newsletters from the 1980s and 1990s that bore his name and included inflammatory and racially charged language.

As the newsletters burst into view, first during his 2008 presidential bid and again in recent weeks after he climbed to the front of the Republican race in Iowa, Paul has blamed the writings on ghostwriters. He said he was not aware of the "bad stuff," as he described it.

But one of Paul's own books, published solely under his name, contains several passages that could be problematic as he attempts to push his libertarian message into the political mainstream.

In his 1987 manifesto "Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution after 200-Plus Years," Paul wrote that AIDS patients were victims of their own lifestyle, questioned the rights of minorities and argued that people who are sexually harassed at work should quit their jobs.

The slim, 157-page volume was published ahead of Paul's 1988 Libertarian Party presidential bid and touches on many of the themes he continues to hammer on the stump.

Returning again and again to the of concept of "liberty," he hails the virtues of the gold standard, attacks the Federal Reserve and defends the rights of gun-owners.

But the book, re-issued in 2007 during Paul's last presidential bid with a cover photograph of an ominous SWAT Team, has so far escaped scrutiny amid the latest furor over his newsletters.

Well, now that he's doing so well in Iowa, with a strong showing expected, that scrutiny is happening. Now. And not a moment too soon.


What's interesting is that Romney has, for the most part, escaped such scrutiny. Sure, his opponents have brought up his various inconsistencies and tried to focus (the media's and Republican voters') attention on Romneycare, but no one has been able to stay on top long enough to keep up a sustained attack -- in part because the pro-Romney Republican elites have been knocking them off one by one. And so we've basically spent most of our time tracking the dramatic rises and falls of these anti-Romneys while Romney himself has been able to skate by largely untarnished.

That will change if and when Romney really does solidify himself as the frontrunner and likely winner. Then, one hopes, the media will do to him what they've done to his Republican competitors (helped along by those Republican elites, of course) and what they always do to Democrats (with Republicans driving the dominant media narratives, as always).

Dampak Fatal Sering Masturbasi atau Onani

Banyak pria melakukan masturbasi, bahkan ada yang hingga kecanduan sampai-sampai jadi gelisah jika sehari saja tidak melakukannya. Hati-hati jangan berlebihan, sebab masturbasi juga punya efek samping jika terlalu sering dilakukan.

Tidak ada batasan yang pasti tentang seberapa sering pria boleh masturbasi. Meski dipengaruhi banyak faktor termasuk usia, ada beberapa pendapat yang menyebut frekuensi ideal untuk ejakulasi adalah 2-3 kali seminggu baik melalui masturbasi maupun hubungan seks yang sesungguhnya.

Dikutip dari AskMen, masturbasi yang terlalu sering bisa memicu aktivitas berlebih pada saraf parasimpatik. Dampaknya adalah produksi hormon-hormon dan senyawa kimia seks meningkat teramasuk asetilkolin, dopamin dan serotonin.

Ketidakseimbangan kimiawi yang terjadi akibat hobi masturbasi yang terlalu sering bisa memicu berbagai macam gangguan kesehatan antara lain sebagai berikut:

1. Impotensi
Gangguan pada saraf parasimpatik bisa mempengaruhi kemampuan otak dalam merespons rangsang seksual. Akibatnya kemampuan ereksi melemah, bahkan dalam tingkat keparahan tertentu bisa menyebabkan impotensi yakni gangguan seksual yang menyebabkan penis tidak bisa berdiri sama sekali.

2. Kebocoran katup air mani
Bukan hanya ereksi saja yang terpengaruh oleh kerusakan saraf, kemampuan saluran air mani untuk membuka dan menutup pada waktu yag tepat juga terganggu. Akibatnya sperma dan air mani tidak hanya keluar saat ereksi, lendir-lendir tersebut bisa juga keluar sewaktu-waktu seperti ingus sekalipun penis sedang dalam kondisi lemas.

3. Kebotakan
Dampak lain dari ketidakseimbangan hormon yang terjadi jika terlalu sering masturbasi adalah kerontokan rambut. Jika tidak diatasi, lama-kelamaan akan memicu kebotakan atau penipisan rambut pada pria.

4. Nyeri punggung dan selangkangan
Kontraksi otot saat mengalami orgasme bisa memicu nyeri otot, terutama di daerah punggung dan selangkangan. Bagi yang melakukannya dengan tangan kosong tanpa pelumas, rasa nyeri juga bisa menyerang penis karena gesekan yang terjadi bisa menyebabkan lecet-lecet.

5. Rasa letih sepanjang hari
Setiap kali tubuhnya mengejang karena orgasme, pria akan kehilangan cukup banyak energi karena hampir semua otot akan mengalami kontraksi. Akibatnya jika terlalu sering, pria akan kehilangan gairah untuk beraktivitas dan cenderung akan merasa ngantuk sepanjang hari.

Sementara menurut pakar seks Dr Andri Wanananda MS, masturbasi relatif normal bila dilakukan tidak sampai mengggangu kegiatan produktif sehari-hari.

Diakuinya memang ada dampak masturbasi yang keseringan yakni terjadi ejakulasi dini saat sanggama dengan pasangannya.

"Hal ini disebabkan oleh kebiasaan tergesa-gesa saat masturbasi karena ingin cepat merasakan kenikmatan orgasme seorang diri (self-satisfaction). Lalu ketika ia menikah, sifat tersebut masih terpatri pada dirinya hingga mengabaikan eksistensi isterinya. Itulah yang menyebabkan banyak kasus ejakulasi dini," tutur Dr Andri dalam konsultasi kesehatan.

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