It's now all Alito all the time.
So let me begin a new series at The Reaction:
Scalitovision 2005
Yes, as you all know by now, now that it's late Monday evening and the Steelers have just taken a 17-10 lead over the Ravens (Steelers fanaticism is perhaps the only thing's Mike Krempasky and I have in common), Bush today nominated Samuel A. Alito Jr., a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, to be Sandra Day O'Connor's replacement on the Supreme Court -- for his bio, click on his name.
(Trivia question: What does the 'A' stand for? Answer at end of post.)
Here's how the Post put it:
President Bush nominated [Alito] to the Supreme Court yesterday, rallying his estranged Republican base back to his side and triggering a torrent of liberal attacks that could foreshadow a bruising ideological showdown over the future of the judiciary.
In effect relaunching the nomination four days after Harriet Miers withdrew under fire, Bush selected a long-standing New Jersey judge with an extensive record of conservative rulings on abortion, federalism, discrimination and religion in public spaces. If confirmed to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the swing vote in recent years, Alito seems likely to shift the court to the right.
The conventional wisdom: "If confirmed to replace retiring [O'Connor], the swing vote in recent years, Alito seems likely to shift the court to the right." Which is precisely why conservatives have "rejoiced at the selection" and why liberals have "accused Bush of bowing to the most extreme elements of his party".
There's a reason this is the story of the day and why it'll be with us for a long time. Get ready for an immense, and intense, political battle over Alito's nomination.
Fairly or not, let's do what others are doing and call him "Scalito" -- or Little Scalia, at least in our post titles. Why? See for an explanation.
Hence Scalitovision -- with this the first of presumably many entries in the series.
Before heading off into the blogosphere, let's look at what Slate has said:
Back in July, a round-up of the Supreme Court "shortlist" described Alito, otherwise known as "Little Nino" (just how "little" is he?), as "especially filibuster-prone". Why? Abortion, of course. (He's, uh, against it.)
Today, Emily Bazelon contrasted Alito and O'Connor on -- what else? -- abortion. Specifically, what troubles Bazelon (and, one presumes, liberals generally -- and it certainly troubles me) is Alito's "partial dissent" in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1991), a case that ultimately upheld "the core of Roe v. Wade" but that "also upheld Pennsylvania's 24-hour waiting period, its informed-consent requirement, and its rule that women had to hear all about the growth and development of their fetuses." The problem, if you see it as a problem (which I do) is that Alito's "partial dissent" involved arguing for "spousal notification" (i.e., a married woman must notify her husband before having an abortion). Rehnquist, Scalia, Thomas, and White sided with Alito. O'Connor, Souter, Kennedy, Stevens, and Blackmun (the author of Roe) united against them in support of O'Connor's "undue burden test".
Also today, Dahlia Lithwick is much harsher: "In the true spirit of Halloween, a month of vicious attacks from the right has been papered over, and this nomination is dressed up as if the last one never occurred... So rededicated is President Bush to keeping his promise to elevate a Clarence Thomas or an Antonin Scalia to the high court, that he picked the guy in the Scalia costume. Alito offers no surprises to anyone. If explicit promises to reverse Roe v. Wade are in fact the only qualification now needed to be confirmed to the Supreme Court, Alito has offered that pledge in spades."
No wonder liberals are up in arms... and ready for a fight.
But so are conservatives, united once again, as John Dickerson informs us: "Finally, the battle everyone has been waiting for... Now, with the nomination of Samuel Alito, both parties can revert to type."
More from the MSM (not that Slate's really the MSM) in future Scalitovisions.
I won't do a full round-up of blogospheric reaction to the Alito nomination tonight. There's just too much out there, and I'd rather take some time to sift through the more worthwhile posts from across the spectrum.
For a quick recap, see The Debate at the Post.
I'll have a lot on this story. Keep coming back for more.
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