Friday, March 3, 2006

The self-made mythology of Nancy Grace

There are many nasty things I could say about Nancy Grace, arguably one of the most reprehensible figures on television today. Day after day, she milks her personal history, the 1979 murder of her fiance, shamelessly using it to support her ill-founded bloviations on America's allegedly deficient criminal justice system.

(Her general view: The accused are guilty until proven innocent, but, even then, they're probably still guilty.)

Well, according to an excellent piece in The New York Observer by Rebecca Dana, it seems that Ms. Grace has manufactured much of that personal history to suit her crusade, or what Jason Zengerle at TNR's The Plank calls "her campaign to seemingly undo the presumption of innocence".

If CNN had any self-respect at all, it'd give her the boot -- not just for these lies but for being generally awful, an embarrassment to reasoned discourse and the legal profession itself.

But who am I kidding? Self-respect at CNN?

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