Thursday, May 18, 2006

The truth of Al Gore

Big Oil (via the Competitive Enterprise Institute) has taken to attacking Al Gore and his new documentary on global warming, An Inconvenient Truth. Think Progress has the story here:

The science is not questioned because the science behind global warming is indisputable. Science Magazine analyzed 928 peer-reviewed scientific papers on global warming published between 1993 and 2003. Not a single one challenged the scientific consensus that the earth’s temperature is rising due to human activity. The U.S. Climate Change Science Program concluded that humans are driving the warming trend through greenhouse gas emissions. And the EPA has said that the recent warming trend "is real and has been particularly strong within the past 20 years... due mostly to human activities."

For the oil industry, Al Gore’s film exposing the truth is perceived as a threat, and they have no shortage of funds to try to distort it.

Keep speaking the truth, Mr. Gore. It must prevail.


Speaking of the former vice president and 2000 Democratic presidential candidate, will he run in '08? He still says no, but...

A "relapse" may be on the way. Steve Benen has more here.

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