And the dismantling of even the flimsy facade of democracy in Venezuela continues:
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has told his political allies to join him in a single socialist party, or leave his government.
Mr Chavez wants to create the United Socialist Party as an umbrella group for dozens of groups that back him.
Three of the parties -- Fatherland for All, the Communist Party and Podemos -- have so far resisted the idea.
The three parties have seats in the pro-Chavez assembly and Podemos has some governorships.
"If you want to go, leave. In reality you are not indispensable," Mr Chavez said during his television programme Hello, President.
He added that he considered the three parties to be "almost in opposition".
"I don't want allies like that."
The only funny thing here is the name of his stupid TV show. Chavez has already granted himself the power to enact so-called "revolutionary laws" by decree (i.e., naked tyranny), and now he's trying to smother not just the opposition but his own allies. He evidently wants no opposition and no dissent whatsoever, even from those who are inclined to support him. It's a move to one-party rule, the rule of one man, himself.
Hello, President? Goodbye, liberty and democracy.
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