Via John Cole, I see that the NRCC is running a contest. Chris Bowers has the details.
Five weeks ago, the NRCC launched a project to get supporters to create their own campaign videos attacking Democrats. If successful, this project would defy a pattern where Republican grassroots activists never take action into their own hands.
Advising them to "be creative and have fun," the entrants were asked to submit YouTube ads illustrating the theme, “Has the Democratic Congress Worked For You?”
The contest is now closed and the judging panel will "select the top five videos [to] be hosted on and voted on by the general public." Selecting the finalists is going to be an easy job. They only received a total of five entries. I completely agree with Chris, that this one is the best.
In fact, with the general public voting, I'm pretty sure that this video will win easily, thus earning the $500 Apple Gift Card, a press release distributed to political news outlets across the country, and an on-camera interview to be aired and distributed on NRCC TV.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find anyplace on the NRCC website where you can cast a ballot yet and this site that's promoting the contest doesn't seem to have any further information either, but they are already pitching a new Christmas ad contest that Hugh Hewitt is sponsoring with a $500 prize and this caveat.
Negative ads accepted, though of course only the 527s will run ads showing Hillary in a sleigh loaded with a huge pile of coal etc.
Chris thinks the fringers lack creativity and became mere zombies unable to think for themselves. I'm not sure that's true. They're pretty creative when it comes to meaness and mockery, so I'm kind of surprised the NRCC didn't get more entrants when they were soliciting negative ads. But I doubt Hugh will get many positive ones. For that they would need some positive accomplishments to point to.
(Cross-posted at The Impolitic.)
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