The Great-Big-Bush-Count-Down-Deal started yesterday as those of us who have Bush countdown clocks on our websites noticed the number was 365.
I wondered how many other people were with me on this. So I did a Google search on "one year from today bush presidential term is up"; the search turned up 184,000 hits. "One year left in Bush presidency" turned up 367,000 hits. It is apparent there is a lot of interest in this new reality. Today's post is a little digest of a few of the items found in these searches.
"Mark the Date: One Year Left of Bush" was noted today by Steve Benen at The Huffington Post. Benen begins:
You may have noticed, on bumpers or t-shirts, the "1.20.09" slogan. It denotes, of course, Inauguration Day for Bush's successor.
For some unknown reason the numbers idea really caught on. A Google search on "01/20/09" turned up 424,000 hits. In fact, 1.20.09 turned out to be a money-making idea. CBS News headlined a story "One More Year To Sell '01.20.09' A Vermonter's Cottage Industry."
Out of my head's "01.20.09!!" turned me on to another website. To quote:
In case you haven’t seen the site that’s made the date 01-20-09 into a passionate campaign (and, more power to them, successful business):Amen to that.
Bush's last day sells countdown clocks, Bush's last day buttons, magnets, decals, hats and mugs. Naturally, the site is white-on-black with big letters.
Favorite Bushisms are the focus of Progress Ohio Average Jane's enjoyable blog "1*20*09."Bloggers with countdown clocks like the one here at S/SW are anxiously marking the days -- TXsharon wrote "It's almost over," giving me the idea for my own post here, by the way. Liberal Citizen posted "January 20th 2008-2009: One Year Left in Bush's Presidency." ReBelle Nation penned "Bush's Last Day."
Serious analytical journalism also looked at the Bush legacy. The Economist published "The Presidency -- George Bush's last year." Julie Mason of the Houston Chronicle authored "With a year to go, Bush focuses on his legacy." It is a "soft-ball" pitch by Bush 41's hometown paper. To quote:
But it's not always easy for presidents to control events. Every two-term president from Eisenhower to Bush has been saddled with a Congress controlled by the opposition during their final years in office.Ike faced a deep recession. Richard Nixon was brought down by Watergate. Ronald Reagan struggled with staff turmoil and the Iran-Contra scandal. And Bill Clinton was impeached by House Republicans.
That's why Bush, like other second-term presidents facing a hostile Congress, is planning to spend much of his final year traveling the world.
Other bloggers tackled the legacy question -- Texas Fred's headlined, With a year to go, Bush focuses on his legacy. Sharoncobb discussed many ways to begin anew "One Year from Today." The Onion posted a very clever piece entitled "Bush Begins Preparations For Nation's Final Year."
Mike Garibaldi Frick at the The Huffington Post wrote "One Year Left -- Looking to the Future..." (11/17/07). He closes his post with these questions:
Asked for your answer -- (a Yahoo! site) posed this question: "How are you going to react when George W. Bush Presidency is over one year from now?" In 4 hours it produced 20 answers. There are 3 days left to answer, if you would like to participate.It's time to look beyond the Bush disaster. Can our institutions be salvaged? How can we put the country back on track again? Will electing a democrat take care of our worries?
Where do we go from here?
(Cross-posted at South by Southwest.)
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