News Item: Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State?
10. Despite getting the appointment, Hillary will still expect Obama to pay off her campaign debt .
9. A really, confusing, cumbersome, crazy confirmation hearing if Hillary brings all those voices she heard to testify on her behalf.
8. It will escalate the Hillarylanders-Daily Kos strike.
7. Disaster, if she hires just one certain person for her staff -- Mark Penn.
6. We win every diplomatic crisis, with new negotiation tool - Hillary breaks down, crying.
5. Oh God, that means we'll have to put up with Lanny Davis again!
4. Already has world community intimidated, as they remember what Samantha Powers had to say about Hillary.
3. Doris Kearns Goodwin gets another three-months-plus of making the cable-show rounds, waxing about her book, Team of Rivals.
2. Will save money on security -- Hillary already knows how to duck sniper fire.
1. Maybe it's all a ruse and Obama is implementing Robert Smigel's "The Obama Files".
Bonus HRC To State Riffs
A.J. Liebling: Hillary Clinton's Defining Moment
The Jed Report: HRC For Secretary Of State
Laura Rozen: Will Hillary Clinton Be Taking Those 3:00 am Calls After All?
Al Kamen and Philip Rucker: In the Loop - Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State?
(Cross-posted at The Garlic.)
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