So, according to The Hill, the "Senate Finance Committee will drop a controversial provision on consultations for end-of-life care from its proposed healthcare bill, its top Republican member said Thursday."
This was never about forced euthanasia, but rather end-of-life dignity, and there were never going to be "death panels." Still, the Democrats caved in, in so doing vindicating, in a way, the lies of the Republicans -- or at least signalling that enough yelling and screaming will get the Republicans what they want.
Not a good precedent to set.
As Steve Benen put it: "When in doubt, give the mob what it wants." And so:
Who wins? Unhinged activists, who are effectively being told that they'll get their way if they scream loud enough. Who loses? Everyone else.
It reminds me of kids who give the bully their lunch money thinking, "Well, if I give him the lunch money today, maybe he'll leave me alone tomorrow." I don't think that ever works.
And here's the real kicker: it won't make any difference. Lawmakers can take the measure out of the bill, and right-wing critics will continue to equate reform with the Nazi Holocaust, because a) they're unconcerned with reality; and b) they'll assume the measure is still there anyway.
Great job, Dems. More of this and you'll destroy health-care reform all on your own.
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