Saturday, September 12, 2009

Photo of the Day: Tea party extremism

By Michael J.W. Stickings

I wouldn't want to tell you that the majority of the people I saw at [yesterday] morning's tea party were such hard-core patriots that they felt the need to walk around waving flags of treason and slavery...

Still it did strike me as noteworthy that your basic tea party crowd isn't the sort of crowd in which a Confederate flag is unwelcome.

You want political extremism? Forget Van Jones, ACORN, and the like. Most of the extremism of the left has been thoroughly dismissed and discredited by the Democratic Party.

No, look no further than the Republican Party and its conservative base -- and at the tea parties and town halls where the mob comes out in full force. (Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly and their ilk scream treason at Jones, who at least stated definitively that he didn't agree with the Truthers, and yet their entire movement, the frenzied mob of which they themselves are the puppeteers, is full of true believing extremists.)

As it did, once more, yesterday:

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