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Sing Out Barack....
by DistributorcapThe oil "spill" (this ain't no spill, it is a gusher) in the Gulf of Mexico is an ecological debacle unseen in recent times (say the last 2,000 years). The effects of the pollution on wildlife, wetlands, beaches, the fisheries and the natural food chain will be felt for decades.
And the media - are they spending the countless hours they have to fill on discussing and eliciting solutions? No, they are more consumed with chastising:- the Obama Administration for being slow to react (they weren't - they were slow to fill the media's endless need for talking heads)
- President Obama himself for not "reacting" or getting " mad" enough.
So instead of talking about fixing this disaster, hounding BP into doing more, or what the government is doing - the endless hours of chit chat on cable news has been totally focused on Obama's reaction to this tragedy. Not only do they expect the Commander-in-Chief to be an expert in Petroleum Engineering and Marine Biology, the pundits have gone as far as saying it is a requirement for the President perform for the cable shows show emotion. The President is NOT permitted to analyze and manage (those sort of boring actions just simply do not generate ratings), Obama has to perform, emote and ENTERTAIN.So in honor of the "journalists" on cable TV who require the President of the United States to also be Marlon Brando, the nominees for the Best Performance by a President in a leading role are:- George W. Bush for A Streetcar Named Katrina
- William Clinton for Guys and Interns
- Gerald Ford for Last Tango in Saigon
- Richard Nixon* for Teahouse of the August Resignations
- Barack Obama for On The Oilfront
- Ronald Reagan for Mutiny on the Challenger
You want to know why the country is full of people ready to vote back the very political party who got us into this mess to begin with - just watch 15 minutes of any cable "news" show and you will quickly see why. There is never a discussion on solutions to the problem, or ways to prevent future disasters - it is always about how awful someone is doing. It is hours and hours of a trashing-fest.Criticism for ratings criticisms sake. Constructive - no way. Destructive - the conversations from this so called pundits are actually probably more destructive to this country than the oil plumes on the Gulf floor.
Oh and the winner is....*special write-in nominee from Nonnie
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