Thursday, July 1, 2010

Smartest Republican of the Day: Bob Bennett

Utah Sen. Bob Bennett may have a bit of an axe to grind, and certainly has nothing to lose, given that his own party denied him a re-election bid by voting against him being its candidate this November -- yes, Utah Republicans are crazy enough to vote against an incumbent, a sitting senator, preferring someone even more conservative and even more of a partisan, but such is the way things are these teabagging days -- but give him credit for telling the truth about the GOP:

As I look out at the political landscape now, I find plenty of slogans on the Republican side, but not very many ideas.

He went on:

Indeed, if you raise specific ideas and solutions, as I've tried to do on health care with [Oregon Democratic Sen.] Ron Wyden, you are attacked with the same vigor as we've seen in American politics all the way back to slavery and polygamy; you are attacked as being a wimp, insufficiently pure, and unreliable.

Well, yes. That's exactly how it is.

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