Friday, August 6, 2010

Stuff to read (8/6/10): Madden NFL

Sorry, haven't done this in quite some time -- quick recommendations for what to read today. Here you go:

-- ESPN: "The Franchise: The inside story of how 'Madden NFL' became a video game dynasty," by Patrick Hruby. The latest "Outside the Lines" feature at "The Worldwide Leader in Sports" is a fascinating look at the history of EA's Madden video game, going right back to EA founder Trip Hawkins' boyhood dreams. I don't play Madden other than occasionally on my iPod. I suspect that I'd become obsessed with it and that it would take up far too much of my time as I tried to perfect it, time I just don't have, but there's no denying the game's massive popularity and influence. And it's come an awfully long way, as technology has generally, since Hawkins and Joe Ybarra pitched it to John Madden himself on an Amtrak ride in 1984, and then since it was released as "John Madden Football" for the Apple II in 1988. And of course it continues to evolve, year after year. Even if you don't play it, this fairly long piece is definitely worth checking out.

Actually, that's it for today -- I've been too tired the past few days to do much reading other than what I do normally for the blog -- but keep checking back here for more to read, too. There'll be most posts, and I'll have a music video for your Friday afternoon enjoyment, too.

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