Bob Herbert successfully connects the dots between 9/11, the Moussaoui trial, and Iraq. Here is a bit of Bob that I managed to free from behind the kryptonite-laden wall that is TimesSelect:
It is time for the American people to wise up. From the very beginning, the so-called war on terror was viewed by the Bush crowd as a magical smoke screen, a political gift from the gods that could be endlessly manipulated to justify all kinds of policies and behavior — including the senseless war in Iraq — that otherwise would never have been tolerated by the American people.
The tapes of people trapped in the World Trade Center, and the cockpit recording of the panic and final struggles from United Airlines Flight 93, which was also played at Moussaoui's sentencing trial last week, are chilling reminders that the fear of terror attacks inside the U.S. is based very much on reality.
That fear, and the patriotism felt by so many millions of Americans, have been systematically exploited by the administration. The invasion of Iraq was not about terror. It was about oil and schoolboy fantasies of empire and whatever weird oedipal dynamics were at work in the Bush family. [Emphasis Added]
America you have been used. America you have been abused. It's been one long trailer-park nightmare, with George Bush in his wife-beater T having his way with you. You can deny all you want, but soon you must wake up. It's time to call the cops, get out of the trailer, and dump this guy. The world is waiting.
(Cross-posted at State of the Day.)
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