Monday, January 16, 2012

I’m with Rush: Obama Would Lose If Presidential Election Was Held Today

It’s hard to hear people talking about an Obama re-election. This would mean another four years of big government creep and a continued inability to fix the American economy crumbling under today’s national debt.

I truly don’t believe Obama will be re-elected in November, I really I don’t. I do, however, believe his win in 2008 was the best thing for this country, albeit many days hard to swallow.

My gut tells me the country is now awake. It also tells me national polls aren’t reflective of how the country and Americans are feeling about President Obama and the direction he is taking this country in.

Mainstream media, no matter how hard they support Obama’s agenda and talking points, simply have it wrong.

Americans are sick of a president who won’t lead, who refuses to deliver, and whose ideological mantra is diametrically opposed to American exceptionalism.

My heart sung as I drove out of my kid’s school parking lot the other day. I noticed this old 2008 Obama bumper sticker, or rather what was left of a bumper sticker.

The bumper sticker made me smile. But most importantly, it made me think that maybe, just maybe, there are more of “me” out there.

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