Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Is there a civil war in Iraq?

Warmongering conservatives (i.e., chickenhawks) are falling all over themselves in contortions of denial and delusion, but at least one leading miliary expert, Army Maj. Gen. (Ret.) William L. Nash, a former commander in Bosnia, says there is: "We're in a civil war now; it's just that not everybody's joined in. The failure to understand that the civil war is already taking place, just not necessarily at the maximum level, means that our counter measures are inadequate and therefore dangerous to our long-term interest. It's our failure to understand reality that has caused us to be late throughout this experience of the last three years in Iraq."

Got that? "It's our failure to understand reality..."

Not that that will stop those warmongering conservatives, particularly of the blogospheric variety, from contorting their denial and delusion yet further. But, then, it's not like they "understand reality" or anything.

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