Tuesday, December 19, 2006


By Heraclitus

Here's the setup: a week or so ago, Conan O'Brien ad-libbed a line about "hornymanatee.com" Apparently, there's a rule (at least at NBC) that if you mention the name of a website that doesn't exist on-air, NBC has to by the domain name. So they bought "www.hornymanatee.com" and have been developing it. Check it out. It's received literally millions of hits in the week or so that it's been in existence. It starts out with a tour that is a parody of a porn site, then takes you to a page with video clips of the original mention of "hornymanatee.com" and the ongoing sage, including James Lipton, of "Inside the Actor's Studio" fame, reading poems sent in by viewers and dancing with the original web-cam manatee. There are also pages and pages of fan art. If you haven't heard about this, it's worth looking at; much of it is quite funny. Is it safe for work? Who the hell knows?

(And I hope Michael won't delete this post.)

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