Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Slamming Gore

By Michael J.W. Stickings

WaPo: "Weeks after he wowed moviegoers and Hollywood elites with his Oscar-winning documentary on global warming, Al Gore returned to Congress today and urged lawmakers to take drastic measures to address what he called 'a true planetary emergency.'"

Much of the WaPo article is dedicated to Gore's views -- the correct views, of course, the truth about the climate crisis, but the first two other people mentioned are Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) and Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), two of the more extremist deniers of the climate crisis. Why is Barton's erroneous claim that "[g]lobal warming science is uneven and evolving" -- there are various disagreements, as there are in any scientific field, but not on the main points, where there is astonishing consensus around the world -- quoted in the third paragraph? Why is Inhofe's insane claim that global warming is "the greatest hoax ever perpetuated on the American people" quoted in the fifth?

But at least the Post isn't the Times, which, as Eric Boehlert shows in great detail at Media Matters, is continuing its baseless "War on Gore" even now. This is an important piece. Make sure to read it in full.

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