Friday, July 25, 2008

(Stupid) Headline of the Day (NYT bratwurst edition)

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Elisabeth Bumiller's article isn't terrible, but the headline -- and I assume her editors are at fault -- is incredibly stupid:

Right, because Obama's Berlin speech was just a substance-free photo-op. And because giving an inspirational and enlightening speech to 200,000 people is nothing next to eating at a sausage haus in Columbus? I know it's just a headline, but it feeds off of and into the larger media narrative that posits Obama as an out-of-touch elitist and opportunist next to the down-to-earth, straight-talkin' McCain.

And I, for one, would rather have the POTUS inspiring and enlightening and reaching out to and connecting with America's friends around the world than knocking back some bratwurst (at a politically calculated campaign stop -- come on, bratwurst at a German restaurant... what, to make Obama look bad for actually being in Germany?)

Thanks for lowering the bar again, New York Times, supposed "paper of record."

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