Saturday, July 25, 2009

The truth? Let's not be extremist.

By Capt. Fogg

Greg Sargent reports at The Plumb Line on his shocking interview with John Klein, President of CNN and it's not heartening news to those who thought Lou Dobbs could at least be censured for reporting something as a controversy that has been conclusively debunked.

Not only does Klein think CNN's duty has been fulfilled by showing that Barack Obama has a valid birth certificate and other evidence of citizenship on other CNN programs, but he complains, in self contradictory fashion that those who have been calling for Dobb's head are taking a "partisan" and "extremist" position:

I understand that people with a partisan point of view from one extreme or another might get annoyed that certain subjects are aired.

I understand that too, but what I don't understand is how demonstrable truth is an extremist position and how, in the name of responsible journalism, one can justify telling an admitted lie by having told the truth elsewhere at a different time. Pairing a lie with every truth is not fair nor balanced coverage and if I were to mention that "people are asking" why Dobbs won't release proof that he isn't a Grand Dragon of the KKK, why he pals around with terrorists and is a charter member of NAMBLA, telling you I know it's not true and that I whispered that to myself yesterday still wouldn't make me anything but a liar.

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