Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A nation divided: Abortion in post-Roe America

At Pandagon, Amanda Marcotte looks at the Republican fascination with abortion and what could happen if Roe is overturned. As you'll see on the map at her post, it's likely that quite a few states -- red states, mostly -- would ban abortion.

But I do wonder just how far state legislatures would go. Abortion would no doubt be banned in heavily anti-abortion states, such as Alabama, Mississippi, and Utah, but I suspect that more moderate states would only go so far as to restrict access to and the availability of abortion. For example, I can't quite see Michigan and Wisconsin banning it outright. Most states would either keep it legal or apply minimal restrictions (as in Pennsylvania already).

I still think that Democrats would benefit from the overturning of Roe insofar as the Republicans would finally be exposed for what many of them are, which is rabidly and unapologetically anti-choice -- but is that a risk worth taking?

I suspect not. America -- and American women -- would hardly benefit from such bitter divisions.

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