Monday, December 22, 2008

A bad year for conservatism

By Michael J.W. Stickings

It must have been a bad year. How else to explain the fact that Sarah Palin -- "our beauteous Sarah," "our heroic Sarah," as Ann Coulter dubs her -- has been named Human Events' Conservative of the Year?

She was a disaster, was she not? And yet conservatives evidently still love her.

Then again, it's not like she had much in the way of competition.

And it's actually quite amusing to read Coulter's list of Palin's "embarrassing gaffes." No, it's not an exhaustive list, for they would be too exhausting to list.

Beyond that, the rest of her piece is unreadable in that especially Coulterian sort of way:

In time, HUMAN EVENTS' 2008 Conservative of the Year will be ready to be our President and someday can sweep into office and dismantle all the heinous government programs Obama and the Democrats are about to foist on the nation. Who knows? She might even be able to run as the candidate of 'hope' and 'change.'

Um. Yeah. Whatever.


For Palin's interview with HE, see here.

Steve Benen notes one of the funnier bits: Palin claims that "the biggest mistake" of the campaign was not doing -- and not being "allowed to do" -- more media interviews: " But: "Palin seemed to run into trouble when she started doing media interviews."

The more Americans (and the rest of us) got to know her, the more they (and we) disliked her. She and her right-wing admirers still don't get that.

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