Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Racism first: Pat Buchanan, the Republican Party, and the new (white nationalist) majority

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Yes, it's quite amusing that (white nativist) Pat Buchanan and "white nationalist" Peter Brimelow spewed their bigotry and ignorance beneath a banner that misspelled the word "conference" -- it was spelled "conferenece," with an extra 'e' (for eugenics?) -- but what's rather more serious, if not genuinely disturbing, is that this sort of bigotry and ignorance still plays so well on the right and throughout much of America. Indeed, the point of the confereneece (I'll add in an extra 'e' for evil) was to revive racism in the Republican Party in hopes of winning over "working class white Democrats" and "building the new majority." (Of course, there's already more than enough racism both in the GOP and in Buchanan's right-wing nativist circles to feed off and build upon, so I'll assume it's a work-in-progress -- or, rather, a work-in-regress.)

As you might expect, one target of the white-first, English-only bigots was Sonia Sotomayor, whom both men ridiculed, as well as Obama, who supposed will require Americans to speak Spanish -- not that that's true, of course, but the truth hardly matters here, and what's the problem with bilingualism anyway? (Well, it's a huge, huge problem for the bigots, of course, because it threatens their English-only linguistic hegemony, and, what's more, Spanish is spoken by Mexicans, among others, whom they regard, as they regard all "colored" folk, as dirty and less than human.

But who am I to protest? This is the new majority! This is the future of the Republican Party!

If this is what the GOP wants, if this is what the GOP really is, then, sure, by all means, let it show us all its true colors. (So to speak.)

I'm sure Pitchfork Pat will lead his party to the promised land. It's just a matter of time.

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