Friday, August 21, 2009

The Reaction in review (August 21, 2009

By Carol Gee

A week's reactions that deserve a second look.

Lots of comments this week:


By Michael J.W. Stickings: "History, according to Texas Republicans" -- The heavily right wing Texas State Board of Education textbook review committee is doing a wholesale revisionist "number" on "approved" textbooks, leaving Michael (and me) irate.

By Creature: "Kyle confirms no GOP votes for healthcare reform" -- Creature boils it down with this pungent plea,"The olive branch has been offered, so now can we please leave the GOP behind?"

By Michael J.W. Stickings: "Huge majority of Americans support 'choice' of public option" -- Citing The Huffington Post, Michael effectively argues that how questions are worded can affect the outcome of public opinion polls, and that media legitimizes Republican propaganda.


By Mustang Bobby: "A conservative argues for marriage equality" -- Bobby reports that former U.S. Solicitor General, Ted Olson is arguing against California's ban on same-sex marriage; Bobby points out that, "the idea of marriage equality is right in line with the conservative ideas of limited government and the rights of the people to make their own decisions."

By Paul E. Barber (Special guest post): "My brain and the Ontario health-care system" -- In this wonderfully personal and myth-debunking piece, Michael's friend and colleague tells the story of how effectively his benign brain tumor was treated with no rationing and no unnecessary wait time within Canada's system. (7 comments)


By (O)CT(O)PUS: "Health-care reform: Matters of life and death from an alternate universe" -- Our Contributor has written a must read post, complete with a video, a personal vignette about a friend's victimization by her insurance company, a description of the alternate universe now driving the debate, current comparative statistics, and evidence of who's getting rich and who's going bankrupt. (3 comments)

By Capt. Fogg: "Bully for Teddy" -- This is a great post by the good Captain, who draws important parallels between the reformer days of Teddy Roosevelt and today's economic and violence-threatening perils of greed, lack of regulation and toting guns.

By Michael J.W. Stickings: "On health-care reform, it's time for Democrats to do it by themselves" -- Michael explains in completely clear terms that Republicans will not be up for any compromise, and that Democrats "need to pull together, ignore Republican obstructionism, and do what's right for America."


By Michael J.W. Stickings: "Robert Novak (1931-2009)" -- Michael's tribute to this "independent thinking" conservative with a "towering intellect" is another of his very fine obits well worth reading.

By Capt Fogg: "Georgia on my mind" -- Regarding Phil Gingery's gun rights advocacy, Fogg's great writing speaks for itself: "Perhaps he's only hoping that being surrounded by a hostile ad hoc militia will force Democrats to listen to their ravings about death panels, re-education camps, rationing of medical care, free medical care to illegal aliens, galloping Marxism, slippery slopes, the president's citizenship, and the loss of precious bodily fluids, but really -- don't we already have Fox News and Rush Limbaugh for that?" (5 comments)

By Creature: "More town-hall madness, assault rifles" -- Creature has a wonderfully ironic way, with this succinct post, of letting us know that this really is MADNESS.


By Michael J.W. Stickings: "It's called the free market. And it's turned on Glenn Beck" -- Michael's report, on a successfully organized campaign to get advertisers to leave their sponsorships of Glenn Beck's show, generated a very spirited debate ( 22 comments) between people at the opposite poles of politics.

By Capt. Fogg: "The Public option is not dead -- maybe" -- Fogg argues persuasively that the question of the viability of passing something with a public option depends on one's level of disillusionment with Congress, wondering ". . . how many letters, calls, hookers, and e-mails it takes to equal the power of corporate contributions, junkets, and three-martini lunches." See also, "The Public Option."

By Michael J.W. Stickings: "The Death of the 'public option': What's really going on?" -- Michael's great post is a dialog with himself, an on-the-one-hand/on-the-other-hand debate over what might really be going on with President Obama and his administration's expressed views on a "public option." (7 comments)


By Michael J. W. Stickings: "Chasing rabbits" -- This post is a good analysis of the current political stakes in the health-care reform struggle, concluding with this reality,"Democrats are in the majority with a large majority, and they need to act like it."

(Cross-posted at Behind the Links.)

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