Thursday, January 8, 2009

Chris Matthews and the velocity of sexism

By Michael J.W. Stickings

This morning, I referred to Chris Matthews's "egotism and sexism." Earlier this afternoon, Media Matters sent out this latest example of the former.

Matthews was interviewing CNBC financial reporter Dylan Ratigan. In this clip (see below), Ratigan discusses the movement of money in the economy, specifically the frequency of movement, or activity, or what is known as the velocity of money. In terms of economic stimulation, the key is not just to inject more money into the economy but to increase the velocity of money in the economy.

Now, Ratigan's a decent reporter, and he's talking here about a rather complicated subject. And you would think that any good interviewer, and any decent person, would engage him with similar gravitas.

Not Matthews, who, evidently in well over his head, pulls out a typically lame and predictably sexist comeback:

Well, maybe if husbands should pay their wives for cooking dinner tonight, we can move the money around.

There's Chris Matthews for you. As charming as ever.

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