Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sarah Palin hates us

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Bored, anonymous, pathetic bloggers who lie annoy me,

she told Esquire, in yet another of her post-election blame-everyone-else-but-me sessions.

It is Andrew Sullivan who has been all over the is-she-really-Trig's-mom story -- like the rest of us, he just wants the truth, and Palin has been nothing if not sketchy about the whole affair (hence the lingering suspicions) -- but I for one, if I may defend myself, am not an anonymous blogger (that's my real name up there) and do not think of myself as a bored, pathetic liar.

Now, I'm sure some people find me pathetic, as I do myself from time to time (don't we all?), and I suppose I get bored as well, but not all that often (not with a good job, a loving wife, two kids, and an avid interest in the world around me), and no doubt some people (i.e., those who disagree with me) think I'm a liar. So that's maybe -- what? -- two out of four, assuming that Palin would find me pathetic and a liar? So I suppose, if Palin knew of me, and I suspect she doesn't (I'm sure she didn't even read my Guardian piece), I'd annoy her just like all the truly bored, truly pathetic, truly dishonest, and truly anonymous bloggers out there. I'm just not sure to whom she's referring. Certainly none of my blog friends/acquaintances are like that.

Really, though, she's not referring to anyone. She's just attacking bloggers generally. Just like she thinks we all live in our parents' basements, so does she think that we're all bored and pathetic (and anonymous?), a bunch of liars. It's just her way of lashing out at her critics, at anyone who dares question her. (I'm sure she's fine with the many bloggers on the right who helped make her what she became, who drooled all over her and who long for her to lead them to the promised land of conservative bliss -- God, guns, and a whole lotta drilling.) She avoided -- or was kept away from -- the media during the campaign, but now she's a media manipulator herself, using various friendly media outlets on the right, as well as more mainstream outlets, to spew her spin and promote her cause, namely, herself.

As long as the media still bother to put a camera and microphone in front of her, enabling her and keeping her in the public eye long past her expiry date, we'll have to put up with this sort of nonsense. And while we're talking about lying, it's Palin herself who's full of dishonesty, as when she attacks the Anchorage Daily News for probing (and questioning) her maternity, an attack without basis in reality. But, then, so much of what Palin says and does is without basis in reality, and, in her eternal quest for victimhood (they're all against me!), she's apparently willing to make any claim, however fraudulent.

Some bloggers, perhaps, are worthless little shits, but, from what I know, the vast majority of them, and certainly of the ones that matter (in the liberal, progressive blogosphere, at least), are smart, sensible people who seek and speak the truth. Far be it from Sarah Palin, in all her self-absorbed cluelessness, with all her dim-witted hatred, to get us right.

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