Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Craziest Republican of the Day: Ken Blackwell

By Michael J.W. Stickings

Well, you could pick any of the contenders for the RNC gig -- the wackos who are trying to out-Reagan, out-gun, out-Facebook, and out-Twitter each other, all while yukking it up over "Barack the Magic Negro" racism, but the craziest today is Ken Blackwell, he of dubious election administering in Ohio, for spewing the usual right-wing anti-gay rhetoric in his own special way back in September:

I believe homosexuality is a compulsion that can be contained, repressed or changed,

he told Michelangelo Signorile at the Repubican National Convention in St. Paul.

What I said is that, in that regard, you can choose, people choose to be who they are, as they choose to break civil law and God's law... I think you can choose not to be homosexual...

Apparently you can't choose not to be an idiotic bigot either, and now this idiot among idiots and bigot among bigots is up near the head of the pack, possibly the next party chairman. (Andrew Sullivan: "The likely incoming RNC head sets the mood. His views are orthodox Christianism. Which means that unashamed gay people have no place in the Republican party. They are increasingly defined by their loathing of gay people. It's one of very few non-negotiable principles they have left.")

I'm not sure the Republicans could find a worthier leader. He's just about perfect for them.

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